Getting through a hurricane is never simple or easy. You will face panic, anxieties, dilemmas, property damage, loss of possessions, hard times, and in some unfortunate cases, it could even result in loss of lives. However, unpredictable as they are, there is plenty we can do to plan and prepare for a hurricane to keep the damages at a minimum. 

To help you ensure your family’s health and safety during a hurricane, we brought together a panel of experts on disaster preparedness. The experts have offered their vital pieces of advice on how you can plan and prepare for a hurricane.

Janet Coleman is an Environmentalist; Janet advises…

You should prepare your family for any eventuality, but especially hurricanes. Hurricanes are unpredictable, so it is important to have a plan in place. It is not just about having the right supplies on hand but also being aware that you are putting your family’s safety first by taking the necessary precautions. 

Do not live near high-risk areas, if possible. If you do live in an area at risk of flooding or storm surge, make sure you have signed up with the National Flood Insurance Program so that if there is flooding or damage to your home or business, you will be eligible for some form of reimbursement. Prepare an emergency kit with food and water in case of evacuation.

When the aftermath of a hurricane has left your family’s health and safety at risk, it is important to take care of yourself and your loved ones in the best way possible. One of the most important things that you can do is to make sure you have enough food and water to last for at least seventy-two hours. By doing this, you will be helping to ensure your survival in the event of an emergency or natural disaster.

Mo Mulla is the Founder of Parental Questions. Mo advises…

If you live in an area that has a high risk for hurricanes, it is good to have shelters installed in your home. It’s recommended to take precautions for the following things: food, water, first aid kit with necessities like needle and thread (useful should prolonged power outage affect prevent you from pursuing treatment), flashlights with extra batteries, essential medications (especially those for common medical conditions such as asthma); dust masks; steel garbage cans or earth quails at least 10-gallon size or larger; plastic storage containers w/lids – 2 Gallon capacity minimum; sturdy shoes and cooking utensils.

Axel Hernborg is the CEO of Tripplo. Axel advises…

Sitting in a room with a light source is far better than sitting in the dark and thinking when all this will be over. Storms and hurricanes result in no electricity, and that’s when batteries come in handy.

Make sure you have plenty of batteries stored and if not, go and buy a few before the hurricane hits. This will help you with your flashlights, battery-operated home devices, radios, lamps, etc. Also, ensure to charge your power banks way prior so that you don’t run out of phone battery. 

Jordan W. Peagler, Esq. is a Personal Injury Lawyer at MKP Law Group, LLP in Los Angeles, CA, where he is both Owner and Partner. Jordan advises…

Unlike many other natural disasters, people generally have advance notice for hurricanes. It’s smart to put that time to good use. Here are some tips for staying safe:

  • Listen to the experts: If experts are telling you to evacuate, your best bet is to listen to them. It’s not smart or safe to stay in your home if they are telling you your best option is to temporarily leave the area. 
  • Install hurricane glass: If you live in an area that is frequently threatened by hurricanes, investing in hurricane glass for your windows will greatly improve your safety. If a hurricane hits, you won’t be injured if your window breaks and sends glass fragments flying through your house.
  • Put your outside belongings inside: Deck chairs, bicycles, and anything else outside in your yard could be turned into a flying projectile that can shatter your windows during a hurricane. Store them inside until the threat has passed.
  • Keep your car’s fuel tank on full: You need to have an exit strategy in place if you decide to wait out the storm and then realize you need to flee. That includes having a full tank of gas.
  • Make sure you have the essentials: Store up a lot of bottled water and food you can prepare and eat without power. 

Graham Spence is a resident survivalist and expert prepper at Mantelligence. Graham advises…

Nobody wants to think that something bad will happen to their family. But, whether it’s hurricanes, tornadoes, or wildfires, we need to be prepared just in case.

Here is how to protect yourself and your family during a hurricane: 

  • Plan Ahead: Preparation and having an action plan in place is everything, and it may save lives. Include your children in the planning, so they understand the basics and go over your emergency plan with your family to ensure everyone knows what to do. An emergency plan should include instructions and precautions on staying healthy and safe, calm, informed, and connected in an emergency.
  • Be Ready: Prepare now rather than waiting for an emergency to occur. Use the time between events to gather necessary supplies, develop self-help skills, and gain the confidence you’ll need to respond quickly and effectively in a crisis. It’s critical to be as self-sufficient as possible when services and supplies are limited. 
  • Take Action: Clear your yard to make sure nothing will blow around and cause damage to your home during the storm. Anything from bikes, yard furniture, and construction or garden materials should all be inside or undercover. Your home’s windows and doors should be covered. 

Use storm shutters or nail plywood pieces to the exterior window frames to protect you from shards of shattering glass. If you notice water or downed power lines, or if you need to leave your home, turn off the electricity. 

Consider your water source and fill clean water containers for drinking water. You should do this in case your water supply goes down during the storm. You can even use your sinks and bathtubs and fill them with water for washing. 

  • Stay Or Evacuate: Always follow the advice of authorities regarding whether to evacuate or stay at home. If a hurricane is approaching, authorities may issue an evacuation order.

Never disobey. It is not worth risking health and safety to remain at home to defend your possessions. Before leaving, however, take into account driving conditions. If it’s unsafe, staying at home may be a better option than going but contact your local emergency management office for further advice. Other things to consider:

  • Prepare a disaster and go-kit. At a minimum, it should include food, water, first aid, clothes, medication, flashlights,  and extra batteries.
  • Put important documents, including passports, medical and legal documents together, so it’s easy to take in the event of an evacuation. 
  • Know where to get credible information. Know where your evacuation zones are and how to get there. If available, sign up to get local emergency alerts and updates.
  • Don’t leave your pets out of your emergency or evacuation plans if you are a pet owner. Prepare a disaster kit for your pet as well.